No matter what level you train or compete at there is always room for improvement when it comes to strength, endurance, flexibility and mobility. These four things sound small but if you improve one, two or all of them even just slightly your day or in the hills will be easier and more enjoyable. Easy? Well no not in my opinion as we all have busy work, family and social lives. Sometimes the gym or working out gets pushed aside and we all just head out for a hike and wish when you are struggling up the side of Binnian that more preparation was put in.
Five minutes, we all have this, so I have put together a simple but effective workout including all the basics needed to make you feel stronger in the hills. This can be done anywhere from your local park using a bench or in your living room.
Everyone can benefit from this, no matter how fit or strong you rate yourself, every little helps.
First up is a lower body step up with a knee drive. Using a low or high step and adding resistance if needed. Think about steep inclines both up and down, quad’s, glute’s and calves are all feeling the burn here.
Keep the head up and shoulders back. 45 seconds or 1 minute on each leg.
Next is a switch to the upper body with the queen of all exercises the push up. Using either your hands on the step or your feet. Maintain a ‘plank’ position with your body and keeping a strict technique again do 45 seconds or 1minute of these. If you need a small break take one, but never let your lower back cave in. Chest, shoulders, triceps and the core get hit here.
I have included a stability ball for this next exercise as most people own one. Get it blown up and use it as its designed to be used, to increase stability! Two variations here a pike with the legs straight throughout or an atomic when the knees are brought into the chest. Keep the body strong and in neutral spine, shoulders and wrists stacked above one another. Drop the time down to 30seconds or 45 seconds. Core and the upper body all getting hit on this great exercise.
Lastly I added in skipping as its a great conditioning tool to get the heart rate elevated and increase the heart rate. Any type of skipping counts, Time for this is 45 seconds or 1 minute. This is the chosen exercise of all boxers, this I think says it all.
Mobility and flexibility are crucial to the walker, keep your back healthy and it will look after you. Cat stretches can be done anytime, hold each stretch for 15 seconds.
Give it a try, repeat the circuit as many or little times as you want 3/4 would be great two or three times a week. You will feel stronger and fitter and this can only be a huge benefit!