Trip Report 103
Ice axes ahoy
With all this unexpected snow I was chomping at the bit to have an adventure in the hills & with our planned Donard summit camp cancelled due to severe weather I just had to take advantage of Eamons offer to scale Bernagh. Leaving the house at around 9am the conditions were pefect,the sky was clear […]
Video: Alpine Conditions on Slieve Bearnagh
Unbelievable snow, ice and alpine conditions on Slieve Bearnagh in the Mourne Mountains – in April! A fun walk of one of the seven sevens, including some ice axe arrests.
Fight Night
I entered a White Collar Boxing match recently and found it to be an amazing experience. Having been into martial arts of various kinds I’d always thought Boxing was underrated as a native martial art to these islands. I wasn’t wrong: Boxing, I was to discover, has it all: conditioning, devastatingly effective self-defence and a […]
The Climb To Galtymore
Cnoc Mor nGaibblte This has to be one of my favourite hikes. It has something for everyone. Climbing from the north you have its steep rugged face taking on routes such as the Lough Curra gully or doing the horseshoe of Cush ,Galtybeg, Galtymore and then Slievecushnabinna each in their own right just has trying […]
Back to basics
It seems I’ve become something of a convert to the joy of a good bivvy lately. Even with the less than ideal weather lately, my Laser Comp seems to be doing little more than gathering dust in the gear cave that is my spare room. I got to thinking about why this is the case, […]
The start of spring! Well, not really…
With spring around the corner (on the calendar that is) and thoughts of longer days and more running and cycling on the optimistic to do list I decided today was the day I started building my fitness. Over the past few weeks I’ve been meaning to get outside and go for a run or cycle, […]
90% of it is mental….the other 10% is in your head
I set off for a Holiday to Rome recently full of dread and anticipation. That naggling feeling in the pit of your stomach sat heavy for many days before the holiday. Having agreed to participate in Rome Marathon many months previously, work commitments and life in general had conspired against my training. Worse still on […]
Snowy Sunday Stroll
Crunch crunch crunch, crunch crunch crunch, crunch crunch URRGGGHHH!! I suddenly found my face inches from the snow, the arms that I had extended to break my sudden fall buried within its frigid mass. The pristine frozen snow had drifted over a rather large hole, which I now found myself closely acquainted with! It […]
Attempt at the Mourne Wall – Lessons learned
Saint Patricks day saw me and a friend attempt to walk the length of the Mourne Wall, 22 miles over 15 mountains. We tried to have a crack at this in one day. The recent weather in Northern Ireland has been varied at best, in the last couple of months we’ve seen heavy snow, weeks […]
Binnian summit camp
Last July I was joined by around 15 friends when we summit camped on Slieve Binnian in the Mourne mountains. We set off at around 5pm parking at the private car park near Carricklittle which anybody can use for a few quid.