Trip Report 103
Early Spring Mourne Walk
The jet stream has moved north and we have finally had a glimpse of spring. I love the season changes, especially the spring when the nights lengthen out past 6pm which means longer walking and later pitching on camping trips. The weekend weather was looking good, sunshine, clear skies with a bit of wind but […]
The Newcastle Challenge Trail
We had stepped onto the verge to allow a car to pass on the narrow lane, and as we hopped back onto the dark road to continue our journey, there was a loud rustling in the hedgerow, and dark shapes made their way up the road ahead of us. “DEER!!” John exclaimed, and sure enough […]
Slievenamaddy camp
We made our way up the track, the looming mountains ahead of us pin sharp in the clear morning light, the bright sun in the azure sky bathing the valley in its golden light. It felt good to be alive! Due to family and work commitments, I had been unable to get out for my […]
Bluestack Way Donegal
Before sunrise on Christmas Eve I walked through the tiny village of Ardara, Donegal towards the Bluestack Way. In the pre-dawn gloom I crept through silent empty streets, the air thick with the smell of turf on the fire. Pausing to light a cigarette on a bridge, I stopped to take in the moment. There […]
A Mourne Microadventure at the Ben Crom Reservoir
Having been asked to cover someone’s late shift at work on Thursday, I decided my new found freedom on Thursday morning should be used for something worthwhile. In no time at all a camp was arranged at the shelter stone at Ben Crom, with Spud, Oisin and John. The weather looked set to make a […]
Silent Valley Circuit via Carn and Muck
After months of hiking to camp with a heavy pack every time I saw the hills, it was time for a proper day walk with a lighter weight. I spoke to my friend Chris and we decided on a circuit around Silent Valley, taking in Carn and Muck en route. We arrived at Silent Valley […]
High above the street lights
It’s not every day that your faith is restored and rewarded by a magical walk through the mountains, but Tuesday was one of those days. With just a few hours of work left, I smiled with glee at the adventure we had planned for ourselves that evening. Customers commented at how happy I was, but […]
A few hours to spare…
With just a few hours to spare on Thursday evening, Spud and I ventured towards the Mournes. It was 8pm, and Spud’s car smelled of the bacon and potato dinner that he had hastily eaten in order get on the way towards the hills. Our plan this evening was basically just to put in a […]
A weekend of rain, rain and more rain.
It was wet, very wet, and it was only getting wetter. The rain was pouring down and it was forecast to do so all weekend. We had made the long journey to Rostrevor on Friday afternoon and arrived in darkness. The rain was showing its effects in the local rivers as we soon noticed when […]
Have a plan B
As we approached our chosen wild camp site near Fofanny dam, I watched a swirl of cloud revolving down towards Happy valley in the Mourne mountains, I was feeling good, something was telling me this was going to be a great camp! Originally, the plan had been to walk The Mourne Wall, described by author […]